Web Design and Development

We provide web design and development, building quality experiences that meet your needs. Our flexibility lets us utilise multiple technologies in the following domains:

Front-end Web Development

At DoreanByte we are able to pick from a variety of tools that match your specifications. This gives us the ability to approach your unique set of challenges in many ways. On the Front-end side of web development, we are knowledgeable in and able to use such technologies as:

  • HTML, JavaScript and CSS
  • React, Svelte and Vue for Single Page Applications
  • Popular CSS Frameworks like BootStrap, Bulma, Tailwind etc.

And much more.

Server-side Web Development

We also have a strong background in Server-side, technologies. We can build scalable systems that run on your servers. From processing simple requests to handling multiple concurrent users to your service. These technologies and frameworks include:

  • Python's Django Framework
  • PHP using Laravel, Symphony etc.
  • Leverage the .NET framework with C# to Create Backend Services
  • Provide Database Administration and Management

And much more.